Robert College Library built in 1910 was used as a theater, a sports hall and a library in various periods and in this project it was renewed as a library.

Historical materials such as timber doors and windows were preserved and reused. In the scope of the work, applications such as the papier-mache, handrail, mosaic in the interior were cleaned and the glass elements were renovated to their original.

A new electrical and mechanical infrastructure was installed in order to serve the new technology needs. The new applications served to increase the comfort level of the spaces while preserving the historic nature of the building.

Employer: Robert Amerikan Koleji
Location: Arnavutköy İstanbul
Year: 2014
Area: 2000 m²
Archtect: Murat Şanal Mimarlık
Project Manager: Emre Susam
Site Chief: Levent Saner